Friday, January 3, 2025

[Lore25] Ishtar and Apep Sector Maps WIP #1

I have been dedicating the first week of the Lore25 challenge to drafting the star maps of the adjacent Ishtar and Apep Sectors into a simple, easily printable, B&W map. As this is SWN and not Traveller, the map is much simpler, simply showing dots, names, borders, and Drill routes across space rather than all the world, base, and starport types shown on a typical Traveller map.

This is the first work-in-progress of the map, showing world locations, a few major world names, and the borders of the Anomaly.

Next would be naming all worlds and designing jump routes, and finally creating a player's map where worlds without official jump routes are not shown.


  1. I can't help but notice it's your Dark Nebula map (which I love) rotated 180°... Any link between both projects? Or simply recycling a perfectly good map into an entirely different project?

    1. I am writing an SWN setting while salvaging some material from the Dark Nebula - while being very careful to avoid infringing on any Traveller(TM) IP.

    2. Fair enough! Looking forward to read more about it!
