Friday, August 23, 2024

Dark Nebula 2900: Library Data A-M

I have once posted the Library Data for my Dark Nebula 2900 setting - a quasi-OTU Classic Traveller setting. However, I will repost the edited version thereof, in two parts, on the blog itself for your enjoyment.

Here is the star-map for reference purposes:

The following common information is easily accessible from a ship’s Library program or from planetary datanets in the Dark Nebula region.

Abbas, Armando (later Emperor Armando I; 2723-2812 CE): Maadin’s last governor under the Rule of Man and first Emperor of the Maadin Imperium. Founder of the Abbas Dynasty (2785-2870 CE). An effective if ambitious ruler. Reigned 2785-2812 CE.

Accelerando (2690 to 2747 CE): the final period of the Rule of Man’s collapse in the Dark Nebula Sector. In the chaos and corruption of the late Rule of Man, well-connected scientists could preproperate mass budgets for their own projects. Therefore, this was a period of strangely accelerated technological development, often along arcane and unorthodox lines. In the Dark Nebula Sector, the center of this research was in the Dark Nebula itself, leading to the Event in 2747.

Amlaris, Minerva (2625-2711 CE): Second Imperium scout captain. Famous for her successful first contact with the Aslan in 2659 CE, following a misjump, as part of which she fought her famous blade vs. dewclaw single combat against an Aslan male.

Archon Industries: A Mizahni megacorporation, originally an arms manufacturer, but now producing a wide variety of heavy industrial products, from ATVs to jump drives. Archon Industries is a strict but fair employer, and an outspoken proponent of the militant faction in the Mizahni Council of State. However, it strongly denies its ties to dissident factions within the Maadin Confederation, calling such rumors a “well-coordinated Confederate smear campaign”.

Alfonso (2750-2843): second emperor of the Maadin Imperium. Emperor Armando I’s second eldest son; rumored to have poisoned his elder brother. A mediocre ruler, known for his penchant for ambitious construction and lavish celebrations. Reined 2812-2843.

Armando II (2819-2870 CE): third and last emperor of the Maadin Imperium. An incompetent, hedonist ruler who cared more about court intrigue and luxuries than about rulership and warfare. Appointed many of his close associates to admirals and generals. As most were incompetent in military matters, this was a major factor contributing to the humiliating defeat at the hand of the Aslan in the First ihate War. Following the War, Armando II’s already unpopular rule lost any shred of legitimacy in the eyes of the Maadinite populace. This led to mass demonstrations in 2870, which the Emperor attempted to suppress by force - leading to a mutiny by mid-ranked officers and to a coup, which Armando II did not survive. Reigned 2843-2870.

Aslan: an alien species originating from Kuzu (Kuzu 0209). Despite their clear differences from Terran felines, early explorers described them as “lion-like” and thus gave them the name “Aslan” after a major character in C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia (published 1950 CE), who was a lion. While said differences from Terran lions soon became apparent, the name and derogatory comparisons to Terran housecats stuck. Aslan society is sexually dimorphic, with males being adept at war but inept in administration or technical matters, which are the province of females. The Aslan male has an inborn territorial instinct, which, in combination with the Aslan inheritance system (giving the father’s entire land to his firstborn son) leads to an endless desire for conquest. As the Aslan developed jump drives themselves in 2520 CE, Aslan considered themselves a “Major Race” alongside the Vilani and the Solomani.

Aslan Heirate: the Aslan interstellar government. Established on Kuzu in the 26th century CE, the Heirate prevented global thermonuclear war by forming a confederative arrangement between the twenty-nine dominant clans, where clan leaders can deliberate and settle matters between them “relatively” peacefully (“relatively” here also means occasional limited wars, but the Heirate prohibits total warfare). The Heirate is decentralized, with its military forces composed of individual clan militaries and most corporations being clan owned. This decentralized nature limits the Heirate’s ability to bring its full might to bear against its rivals, as individual clans are often reluctant to wage war to protect other clans’ interests.

Aslan Tail: the long “main” of star-systems, all within a parsec or less from each other, to the Spinward and Rimward from Kuzu. The Aslan colonized the Tail early, before they purchased Jump-2 technology from the Solomani. However, the Tail has a high concentration of uninhabitable worlds. Thus, Aslan have a strong incentive to expand to the Trailing, clashing with Solomani interests.

Big Five, the: the five Mizhani megacorporations - Crystal Ventures, Tua-Tong Incorporated, Archon Industries, Golden Sun, and HexaCorp, each owned by a Great House.

Carcosa: a spacers’ legend - the presumed sixth world of the Dark Nebula, orbiting a red sun, which may only be reached by a misjump. There, a massive alien city is said to reside. There is no evidence of such a sixth star, let alone a red dwarf, despite meticulous research, but many spacers still adhere to this legend.

Crystal Ventures: a Mizahni megacorporation, focused on high-tech light industry, with secondary activity in financial and telecommunication services. Well-known for the quality of its goods and for the elitist attitudes of well-paid but competitive employees. HexCorp’s main domestic competitor in electronics

Dark Nebula Sector: our Sector, located on the far Spinward edge of former Rule of Man space. The Dark Nebula’s nominal Sector Capital was on New Libdis (Kimson’s Stand 0502), but this world has eventually lost its status. The Dark Nebula Sector surrounds the eponymous Dark Nebula, an anomalous region of space located inside a small nebula. This Sector was sparsely colonized in the waning years of the Rule of Man.

Dark Nebula, the: a small nebula at the center of the Dark Nebula Sector. There are five star-systems within the Nebula. Early explorers reported anomalous readings in these systems. In 2717 CE, Unit #72 set up its research bases in these systems. On November 3rd, 2747 CE, the Event occurred, causing the disappearance of all five star-systems from the Dark Nebula. These systems returned, unexpectedly, in August 2892 CE. Both Maadin Confederation and Mizhani authorities consider the Nebula as a navigational hazard and urge Travellers to avoid it. Currently, other than a “scout base” (and informal community of “Stalkers”) on N3, the Nebula is considered uninhabited.

Desertborn: a minor race native to Rim (Kuzu 0602), with strong reptilian characteristics. They stand on two legs and have a long tail. Their eyes are large and bulbous, with slit pupils, and their fingers and toes hold adhesive pads. The Desertborn language sounds like a collection of clicks and chirps, and they speak alien tongues in a particularly chirpy voice. On their homeworld of Rim, Desertborn patiently lurk on dry, rocky cliffs, standing motionless for hours, their natural coloration and absolute stillness helping them blend into the desert surroundings. Then they strike their prey, swiftly and mercilessly. While their society is often based on small, closely-knit tribal units with a low population density, they already had an industrial civilization when Solomani explorers discovered them in 2641 CE. Following human contact, they developed their own spacefaring technologies and began exploring and settling the Rim system, though they still depend on Terran worlds - especially Mizah - to purchase starships from.

Droyne: an alien species living on Kapros (Maadin 0610) and potentially on several additional worlds in the old Imperium. Droyne present both reptilian and insectoid characteristics. Their society includes a multitude of “castes”, resembling eusocial insects. While, contrary to popular human opinion, they lack a “hive mind”, the “lower” castes show far less individual drive than members of other species. Recent research of the old Vilani record shows a 98.73% probability that the Droyne are an identical species to the Nugiiri from Kilennur (Sol/Harlequin 0808), or a closely related species. Droyne seem to operate jump drives of their own design but seem to be uninterested in interstellar expansion or colonization. Thus, debate still rages whether they are a Major Race.

Dust Front: militant (and highly illegal) wing of the United Miners of Salia (UMS; Maadin 0205), agitating and, as per the rumor, organizing for an armed insurrection against HexaCorp. The latter accuses Dust Front of being a proxy for Maadin Confederation covert operations, an accusation the UMS categorically denies.

Event, 1st (2747 CE): the disappearance of all five star-systems in the Dark Nebula on November 3rd, 2747 CE, resulting from experimentation in exotic physics.

Event, 2nd (2892 CE): the reappearance of the five Dark Nebula stars in the skies of Taida Na in August 2892 CE, leading to dangerous attempts by various parties to re-explore the Nebula.

Golden Sun: A Mizahni aerospace and shipping megacorporation. Operates lines to all major worlds in the Maadin Subsector, focusing on Mizah-Confederation trade and transportation. Intensively competing with the Confederation-based Nine Stars Incorporated, the Subsector’s other transportation megacorp.

HexaCorp: a Mizahni generalist megacorporation invested in anything from biotechnology to mining. Crystal Ventures’ main domestic competitor in electronics and Tua-Tong Incorporated's greatest rival in biotechnology. HexaCorp is notorious for its bad record in labor rights and its dabbling in morally questionable research. This company owns the neighboring world of Salia, where it engages in heavy mining. HexaCorp is the Subsector’s primary robot manufacturer, and thus, naturally, has a keen interest in AI research.

Hrea Aoiyil Euarosei (2869 CE to present): Kouaolew Yehi Hlya’s wife and shrewd executive officer. This Aslan will be instrumental to any future expansion by her husband, as she is talented and experienced in managing military logistics. She enjoys popularity among females as her husband enjoys among males. Maadinite media presents her as the evil mastermind behind her husband’s nefarious dreams of conquest.

ihatei: “Second Sons”. Aslan inheritance laws grant the father’s land to his firstborn son. Second sons must, therefore, seek their own lands. With the advent of star travel, such young non-inheriting Aslan males become explorers in search of unclaimed territories - or invaders seeking conquest. Fueled by the hormones of youth and by the Aslan male’s inborn territorial drive, they are a force to be reckoned with.

ihatei War, 1st (2862-2866 CE): the first major military conflict between humans and Aslan. A wave of Aslan ihatei seeking new territories invaded the human-colonized space to the Trailing of Kuzu. Within two months, they controlled Pasar (Kuzu 0507), Godoro (Kuzu 0606), and Simsek (Kuzu 0505), with harsh fighting continuing on Enjiwa (Kuzu 0510). Within a year, they went as far as Salia (Maadin 0205), threatening Mizah and Maadin directly. Faced with a common threat, Maadin and Mizah signed an unease mutual defense pact and launched a counterattack. However, despite the fierce human military efforts, the Aslan emerged victorious and retained their conquests of Pasar, Godoro, Simsek, Astek, and Daanari. These events destabilized the Maadin Imperium and eventually brought its downfall.

ihatei War, 2nd (2882-2885 CE): the second, recent confrontation between the Aslan and the human colonies. The ihatei attacked Hasara (Kuzu 0804), Taanga (Maadin 0105), and Salia (Maadin 0205), threatening Mizah and declaring the aim of conquering the Maadin Confederation as well. The Confederate fleet, bolstered by allied Mizahn squadrons, launched a counterattack, pushing the Aslan back to Daanari. By 2884, Aslan lines collapsed under the combined human attack, liberating Pasar (Kuzu 0507), Godoro (Kuzu 0606), Simsek (Kuzu 0505), Astek (Kuzu 0305), and Daanari (Kuzu 0704) and forcing back the Aslan to old Hierate space. Signing a ceasefire in 2885, the Aslan agreed to relinquish their former conquests in return for the Solomani forces' withdrawal.

Ilana (2811 to present): the current Queen of Mizah. Third child of Maxim II; her two elder brothers falling in war against Maadin and the Aslan. The aging Ilana is still in good health but is rumored to planning to abdicate in favor of her daughter, Princess Ilana II, in the “near” future. Reigns from 2867 to the present. Oversaw Mizah’s part in victory against the Aslan in the Second ihatei War, and built reasonable relations with the Maadin Confederation, though these relations have soured recently following the Confederation’s rapid 

Imperium, the: see Ziru Sirka.

Kouaolew Yehi Hlya (2872 to present): Popular and ambitious Aslan ihatei leader, promising his many, multi-clan followers’ glory and territory if they follow him to war against the humans. Young and brave, this Aslan is the second son of a prominent warrior of the Hkeakhya Clan. Maadinite media considers Koualolew to be the greatest single threat to the Confederation, an accusation he is proud of.

Last Ship from Terra, the: see Rose of Aggida.

Maadin (Maadin 0702; A8759C8-B): first human colony in the Maadin Subsector, established in 2600 CE; today, capital of the Maadin Confederation. An industrialized, densely populated world suffering from three centuries of pollution, Maadin is not necessarily a pleasant world to live on. However economic activity and opportunities abound, especially with the Confederation’s current rapid economic growth and war preparation - both of which creating millions of jobs. The Military Praesidium rules Maadin directly, in what amounts to permanent martial law. However, its rule is relatively lenient for such a type of Charismatic Oligarchy government. This world attracts industrial job seekers, traders, and anyone interested in Confederate politics - and, according to rumors, a significant number of Mizahn industrial spies.

Maadin Confederation (2870 CE to present): a human interstellar state centered on Maadin (Maadin 0702), with its industrial hub concentrated on Maadin itself and in the asteroid belt of Mechance (Maadin 0703). Established 2870, the Confederation is a militarized, authoritarian state led by the popular Military Praesidium. It encompasses 9 star-systems. The Maadin Confederation sees itself as a heir to the old Terran Confederation, and formally rejects the aristocratic culture of the later Rule of Man. Its main rivals are the independent human world of Mizah and the Aslan themselves.

Maadin Imperium (2785-2870 CE): following the Rule of Man’s collapse, citing "Continuity of Government'' laws, Maadin's governor, Armando Abbas (later Emperor Armando I), declared himself Emperor. While he attempted to expand his imperium to the rest of the Maadin Subsector, he only managed to control nine worlds, Maadin included. The Maadin Imperium was an aristocratic state replete with nepotism, corruption, and incompetence, unlike its much more stable neighboring monarchy of Mizah. Defeated by the Aslan in the 1st ihatei War (2862-2866 CE), this state lost its final shreds of legitimacy among its subjects, leading to its overthrow and the establishment of the Maadin Confederation.

Marcus, Maxim (later King Maxim I, 2729-2819): last Rule of Man governor and first King of the Kingdom of Mizah (Maadin 0304), founder of the Marcus Dynasty. An astute statesman and skilled strategist who was able to guide Mizah through the war with Maadin (Maadin 0702) despite Maadin’s numerical and material advantage. One key to Maxim I’s success was his strict adherence to remnants of Rule of Man nobility privileges and corporate interests, forming a powerbase of powerful families backing him. Reigned 2785-2819.

Maxim II (2770-2867): second King of Mizah. Oversaw civic and military development and partial industrialization of Mizah. Led Mizah to victory in the Second Mizahni War (2820-2823). Held in high regard by Mizahni nobility, eclipsing even his legendary father. Under his reign, Mizah regained its TL-B classification and was awarded with “Rich” status by the Mercantile Guild. Reigned 2819-2867.

Mercantile Guild: an association of smaller interstellar merchants, from Free Traders to small companies. Founded in 2662 CE by Free Traders desiring a better competitive position compared to Rule of Man megacorporations. The Mercantile Guild maintains facilities on all worlds rated with Starport C or better, and allows non-Merchants, particularly military personnel, to invest in it in return for periodic passage tickets. It also publishes the bi-annual Merchant Review, a guidebook for traders operating in the Maadin and Kuzu Subsectors, rating worlds and starports for easy reference by interstellar traders.

MiliFab: “Military Fabrication”, a Maadinite state-run arms megacorporation. In addition to supplying the Confederation armed forces, it aggressively markets “Export Variants” of Confederate military tech to various interstellar factions and mercenary units favored by the Maadin government. Known for its reliable products and internal military discipline, the lines between this corporation and the Confederate government are quite blurred.

Military Praesidium: the seven-member "head of state" of the Maadin Confederation. Despite its authoritarian rule for the past 30 years, and despite the change in its composition along the years, the Praesidium still enjoys significant popularity among the Confederation citizenry. The Praesidium includes two representatives each of the Army, Navy, and Marines, and one of the Military Intelligence. It has a Chairman, coordinating its sessions and making immediate decisions when needed; the Praesidium members rotate in this position, each serving for one standard year.

Mizah (Maadin 0304; A762853-B): a major human colony in the Maadin Subsector, a political power of its own. Mizah is a pleasant, if dry, world, considered to be the richest world in the Maadin and Kuzu Subsectors. In 2785, the Governor of Mizah, Maxim Marcus, declared himself King of Mizah, and after a short war with the Maadin Imperium, gained full sovereignty. His descendants still rule Mizah to this very day. Outside observers classify Mizah’s regime as a “Techno-Feudal Regime”, where the Emperor and the Great Houses control giant megacorporations and thus most of the world’s economy and technology. Mizah is a pleasant world to live in, with a high standard of living and very lenient laws, though it lacks the industrial might and boundless technical job opportunities of Maadin.

Mizahni Independence War: see Mizahni War, 1st.

Mizahni Nobility: the aristocratic classes of Mizah, descending from the Rule of Man noble families. Mizahni nobles either belong to one of the five Great Houses, or to one of the numerous Minor Houses. Great House heads, the Archdukes, are part of the Mizahni government. The five Archdukes form the Council of State, which advises directly to the Queen of Mizah. Lesser nobles within the Great Houses also hold positions of tangible political or economic power, from megacorp CEOs - as each Great House owns a megacorporation - to hereditary positions of power in the government. Minor Houses usually lack direct political power but may vote and be elected to the Mizah Senate. Such nobles are numerous, comprising approximately 8% of the population. Their families often enjoy great wealth and enjoy official privileges, though these are much lesser than those of the Great Houses.

Mizahni War, 1st (2787-2788): Emperor Armando I’s attempt to subordinate Mizah to his rule immediately after taking power on Maadin. Mizah’s governor, Maxim Marcus, declared himself King of Mizah and organized a hasty, though effective, defense against the Maadinite invasion. The war was short and bloody, culminating at the Battle of Omoro (Maadin 0402), in which the Mizahni counterattack destroyed the only Maadinite battlecruiser, forcing Maadin to sue for peace.

Mizahni War, 2nd (2820-2823): attempted invasion of Mizah by Emperor Alfonso of the Maadinite Imperium. This war was significantly longer than the 1st Mizahni War, involving major ground action on Mizah iself (Maadin 0304), as well as Omoro (Maadin 0402), Icat (Maadin 0503), and Gazzain (Maadin 0505), as well as naval action in their orbits. the Maadin Imperium’s defeat in this war further weakened its regime and hastened its decline. Mizah, on the other hand, enjoyed a wave of patriotism, and its victory strengthened the Marcus Dynasty’s hold on the throne.