Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dark Nebula 2900 - One or Two Subsectors?

The original idea for my Dark Nebula quasi-OTU (Original Traveller Universe) setting for Classic Traveller was that of two subsectors, side by side, providing a large and comprehensive sandbox to play in. This is how the starmap looks so far:

However, I was thinking as of late of converting it to a single subsector, for ease of writing and tightness of design. A bit like using only four map tiles in the Dark Nebula boardgame rather than all the eight (which was one gameplay option). This is how a single subsector map will look like:

The downside being that such a single subsector setting will be more simplistic in nature.

What do you think? Should I keep the old two-subsector design or condense it to a single subsector?


  1. Go for broke and go for four subsector.

  2. With a single subsector a jump-2 far merchant could reach the aslan hierate via Mizah and Pasar or Kov with two jumps. The two subsector has different routes to choose and so more ways to encounter interesting things. Similiar if the Aslans start to search new land for s military campaign (or something like pirates of drinax)

    1. Thanks for the input! Indeed, something to consider.

  3. I'd go with the four subsector layout, if only to keep continuity with the game.

    1. I packed all stars on the Dark Nebula boardgame map into two subsectors; how should I expand it into four?

  4. Space is big, there's lot more in a hex than just one world. So a single subsector is sufficient for almost any level of campaign, even a large interstellar war can be fought out in a single subsector with ease.

  5. I can see the appeal of one subsector, but: I like the 2 subsector version.

  6. Late to the discussion, but do you need so much Aslan and Confederation territory on the map? Definitely for the wargame, but I could see the RPG focusing on the neutral territory in the middle.

    1. Just read your Library Data entries and looked at the map again, and it makes more sense. It would make a dull strategic wargame, but maybe some good war movies (Ihatei squadron seizes Kov, as a base to strike Confederation. Do PCs try to get a message out? Or hide in the station warehouses and run a black market?)
